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Cargo Handling Capacity of Huizhou Port Exceeds 100 million tons for the First Time

In our recent interview with the Huizhou Bureau of Maritime Affairs, we were told that cargo handling capacity of Huizhou Port exceeded 100 million tons for the first time in 2019, thus enabling Huizhou Port become a major port along the coastal area of China.

The cargo handling capacity of Huizhou Port reached 108.7 million tons in 2019, an increase of 12.25% year on year, including 15.7085 million tons of inland river cargo throughput and 9.30179 million tons of coastal cargo throughput. Huizhou Port handled 47,083 inbound and outbound vessels in 2019, an increase of 2.45% year on year and including 255 ultra large crude carriers each with a displacement exceeding 150,000 tons. Amidst the continuous growth of shipping economy in Huizhou, the city also succeeds in safeguarding its water traffic safety

Reported by: Liu Haowei, Wang Si

Editor:   Time:2020-01-17
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